Brewer’s Competition; Why it meant too much to me

Have fun. That was the important reminder. Yes, indeed. That was to take note of, but why was my head so wrapped around the idea of getting a spot despite this being my first time?

Because I asked help and sponsorship from people I worked with in the industry. Going to Oahu is cheap but staying is expensive. I asked help from a lot of them. Producers, Cafe Owners, Baristas, Past co workers from farming and coffee shop, roaster, and even the online coffee magazine blog!

After farm work, even after I take the pickers home, I head back to the property to take a shower, read, watch, edit my script and practice. First thing in the morning, I sometimes read rules, even.

I just couldn’t let them down. As an independent, representing producers is why I wanted to understand the value of farming and this was the best way to speak credibly about my work. Even when I was on site, and needed vessels to practice, I was lent some to take to the airbnb. I don’t know if I’ll be a producer some time when I do this again, but I know I’ll need to have that connection when I try one more time. I lost. It sucked. But the best way to think about it is that,

Damn. So this is how much people have faith in me. People treated me with kindness. Wow. Now, I see… and that’s enough to give me that idea to keep going. That faith is fuel to the life I live in coffee. I learned, and I’ll take this practice as a way to improve the next time. :) We’re only getting started.

Couldn’t have had good practice run without:

Bryan & Lindsey from Tradition Coffee Roasters, lent me a Hario and challenged/invited me to compete.

Mariam Pinza, who encouraged me to go to Oahu and watch but ended up giving advise on how it’s done because I decided to compete, and to just do it, despite not being with a sponsoring company

Those who contributed a generous amount to pay for my expenses:

Cafe Owner, past employer: Tim, Kona Reserve Coffee

Baristas, past co worker: Joci Adele & Esther Galuban, Kona Reserve Coffee

Producers: Doug Mckenna

Current Farm I work for: UCC Hawaii

Past Farm Manager: Jeffrey Smith

Past Farm Co worker & guardian: Mike & Ryan Lybarger, Drew Paone (bestie)

Current Farm Manager: Maria Rivera, UCC Hawaii

Current Employer & his partner: Tsukasa & Yuka Kobayashi, UCC Hawaii

Current Co Workers: Beny & Junko, UCC Hawaii

Online Roaster friend: Pablo & Ines, Syzygy Coffee

Online Magazine Blog (Standart Magazine) : Michal Molcan & Grant Fleming

Bestest of the best partner ever and moral support award goes to my human, Michael

Again, thank you. We keep going. Teamwork made a dream work. We got this. Till next time!

Click here, like the actual underlined paragraph to watch my presentation. Fast forward to 7 minutes into the video :)


Making mistakes & leaving an impact


The biggest challenge is how to move forward