The biggest challenge is how to move forward
Coming from the Fermentation Training Camp, where I met inspiring people that I want to be like someday, and learning about this new perspective and approach towards processing coffee made me think. Ok.... so what should I do now.
But prior to coming here, I knew that I needed to learn processing so that I could use resources around me, being working in a farm, to apply what I learn in Colombia, but in small scale. And so, that came with the mission to know what I need and to know how to start. Lucia was already there so might as well ask!
The result is? As I get back to Kona, and the farm, I grab my car and grab yeast by the coffee research lab by the island. My stuff from amazon was arriving. As soon as it did, I went and started picking cherries, doing the process, the yeast, tracking data, and drying.
A day after I got to Kona, I wanted to share some experience to a friend who said he wanted to hear about it!
We ended up talking for a few minutes till I was invited for a freakin competition. I was like woah. A great way to let my voice be heard, and so I impulsively registered.
The trip made it feel like I have a greater mission somewhere. I was just left wondering how can I apply what I learned?? And in addition to that, Lucia recommended to me to learn Spanish. It's a great way to get involved with more producers. And so I took her contact, and had a class the next weekday after I got back.
Too much on my plate. Competition, experimenting, spanish lessons!
I just have to find growth somewhere while being in the farm. UUUUUGH. My head is screaming. But yea. Had to let go of Spanish lessons till the next 2 weeks after competition cause I had to focus. I was running out of time.
I compete tomorrow, and that's a different story. So atleast I'm getting something done. Someway, somewhere, somehow.
Right? Right.
Everyday is challenging but oh well. We got this.