Privileged Picker

2 days ago, I just felt like visiting Maria to see how she's doing. As usual, there's lack of pickers in many parts of Kona, and there was a need for more people as the whole farm is red & pickers can barely pick everything at the same time. So, I decided to go to Kona and pick coffee only for a few days....

It is exactly how I remembered it. Yet, the feeling of being on the field doesn't get easy. No matter how I feel, I can't help but think... how dare I complain?

Just 2 months ago, (August 2024) Miguel, my current employer in Paradise Coffee Roasters connected me to a few producers in The Philippines who he source coffees from. When I visited some farms in Benguet and a forest in Bataan, I find myself being in awe of the strength of the Filipino people. How do they pick these trees that are out of reach on land that's so steep that it can come close to rappelling?! I don't know if I even have that strength. And on some places, some land is so raw! Unlike Kona where it's all groomed & structured as an ideal layout of a coffee farm. Even my worst coffee picking experience can probably be one of the best around The Philippines. 💀

So back to the topic... How dare I complain? I come and offer help to Maria, aa she lets me sleep on a king sized bed with the BEST sunset view. She even makes & feeds me pupusaSSS (I had a lot that evening), and I think to myself... why is my body feeling tired already. I can't be tired because some other countries have  more difficult situations.

*sigh* And since I could never turn a blind eye to the places I've seen and the people I have met, it is best to recognize that at this point, I'm one privileged child who has the opportunity to experience what good picking culture is. View it as... a Coffee Picking 101 Refresher Course. :--)


Week of 3-in-1 ; 3 hats in 1 week


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