Hospitality. It’s not for everybody.

I write this to assess the people that come through the market.

Currently, I serve in a Farmers Market that doesn’t have too much foot traffic yet. As I started, there were 3 vendors of each day. Fees are 80% lower than those markets around, and so I chose to start with this location so that I can play my operations by ear. Improvements were done slowly, and I wanted to pace myself when it comes to figuring things out.

The trade of a lower market cost, is that we promote for ourselves. It was an opportunity to learn that area too. I’ve promoted in many places, both physical & online.

Very interesting people go through the gates where the coffee sign’s at. Being near a grocery & hardware made sense with the idea of serving local. And so, with this, I did my best to attract the demographic that I wanted to serve.

Despite that, probably 2% of those I encounter are not very pleasing. It’s like they have a certain beverage in mind, and nothing can change that.

why I write this? Two people come up and asks for something I don’t have. When I tell more about the offerings, one mumbles “do you wanna go to Starbucks instead”?, like I wasn’t there. And follows up with “thank you, we’ll be back”, I said “ok, no problem :) “

It did piss me off because that was disrespectful.

But you know what… I don’t have to serve them & be too kind. I can choose who I can cater to now, by showing what I have. It’s take it or leave it. I should be okay with that.

After that encounter, a customer who came in the same morning came back for his second drink. I was very pleased with his kindness & he deserved the service I offered.

That being said, quality comes with service. Not everyone leans towards quality & so hospitality is not for everybody :)

* more smiley faces, and walks away *


Running is my reason for everything.


Courage from a cold shower