Farm workers are teachers

Knowing how things really work. Coming from people who do it everyday. Using their work time to get someone's experiment done. What is it around them that will solve the problem. Strategizing with time.

Who is it that really knows the trick of the trade?

It's those people who's been working on that aspect, with the same materials everyday. Now. I think about learning from my farm manager She who's very observant, who cares deeply about the farm and trees, and is very resourceful.

One more thing is they have connections. Being in the profession for long, people know them. One weekend, I was invited by Maria to work on this other farm for a few hours. What's fascinating is I never have passed that road of coffee farms. I learned the owner's story, and just knowing the diversity of people who does coffee and their character is some kind of learning. Now would I get that experience just from anybody?


And one more thing. They understand the very meticulous parts of the job, that is sometimes not noticeable. But to understand a task, the difficulty, and what to ask of people or how to treat a situation, one must learn how to empathize with it.

The way I treat people in necessary to sustain a business. And a very important aspect to take note of is that workers know a lot. Learn from them. Be one of them. Workers are teachers.


A Plead to the Pickers


Making mistakes & leaving an impact