For the love of coffee, get over that worm phobia!

I’ve been working in the farm for about 8 months now, and let me just say… damn there’s a whole national geographic education just by constantly being in the field/farm! I am honestly fine by seeing bugs or insects crawl. However, with worms, it just reaaaaaally grosses me out. That slimey, slithery creature that inhabits in wet and moist environments. It’s that job of separating rocks by the trenches that gets me. It’s like playing peek-a-boo when you lift rocks off the ground, low and behold, a centipede crawling away.

Where did that fear come from, as you may ask. I grew up in a plant nursery. Our house was surrounded by dirt and plants. I grew up seeing worms randomly pop up somewhere. You’d be surprised, I never got over it till now. My brother or whoever is around, would always pick it up for me. Even a snake statue gives me chills & could take the life out of me. With that fear in mind, I knew I didn’t want to be in a farm or work in the garden. I just didn’t see myself dealing with these creatures. Mind you, I can stare at a cockroach or a spider or almost aaaaaaanything. It’s just this type of animal that I can’t stand.

With that said, I couldn't believe that here I am now, calmly coexisting with worms, while crushing centipedes with rocks. Who would’ve thought! My profession leads me towards the coffee producers & I mean yea…… I guess…… My love for coffee is the only thing that will force me to get over that phobia. *facepalm*


The immigrant chose to work in coffee.


Slinging shots for your producer